Pecan Pies #100bakeschallenge no 87

As you all know I really enjoy a challenge. The #100bakeschallenge poster has been going on since January 2022. I am still working my way through the challenges but am so pleased to be on bake number 87 now.

The Pecan Pie recipe is the 87th bake from the #100bakeschallengeposter

I love Pecan Pie, although it is not something I have ever made before. A few years ago when visiting my family in Canada, I bought a jar of Pecan Pie filling from Williams Sonoma. It was just great to put inside a sweet shortcrust pastry case and bake as a quick dessert.

Being as it’s the summer holidays at the moment and I’m not at school, I’ve got more time to bake. So I chose to make some individual Pecan Pies. I chose to make six large individual ones, rather than one big one.

My Pecan pie recipe came from a fantastic recipe book which I found in a charity shop before lockdown- a huge baking compendium published by Dorling Kindersley. Titled Step By Step Baking, it is clearly the biggest recipe book on my shelf. The recipe makes one large Pecan Pie and there was a lot of pastry and half the filling left. But I only have six individual tart cases. Next time I might halve the recipe but then again I’d probably not have enough mixture, knowing my luck!

I think the mixture was in the oven for about 10 minutes less than the specified time in the recipe. This was about 35 minutes. A couple of the pecans burned on the top of the pies but this didn’t detract from the flavour inside them!

With a dollop of cream, these pecan pies were delicious with our Sunday lunch dessert. I served them cold but I think they would have been nicer warmed up.

Happy Baking!

Love Sam xx


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